Colombia Excelso EA Decaf - Medium Roast


This decaf coffee from Risaralda Colombia has a conventional Colombian taste in many ways - bright, sweet and a bit sharp at points.  It features a citrus, lemon and milk chocolate notes with a sweet and bright flavor and a tart finish.


This is a decaf with a ton of character.  Unlike most of the decaf options we have had in the past, this coffee will have a bit of a tartness to it that is not something we've usually featured in our decaf options before.  If you're looking for something bright to pop your eyes open, you'll appreciate this coffee.


This coffee uses a ethyl acetate (EA) to remove caffeine from the coffee. This process is performed using a naturally organic compound found in fruits and vegetables. Read more information about this process here.


This coffee is available for a limited time in 12oz and 16oz bags.